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Eleocharis Vivipara
Eleocharis Vivipara

Forms a lush grass in the aquarium midground or background under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Rhizome

Bolbitis heteroclita 'difformis'
Bolbitis heteroclita 'difformis'

Bolbitis heteroclita "difformis" is a small, fine tripinate -leaved form of B. heteroclita, originating from the Philippines widely known as Mini Bolbitis. This fern grows very slowly under water and grows best when cultivated as a terrestrial plant.

This is more suitable to grow emerged in paludariums/terrariums/phytospheres etc & also suitable for moist & warm terrariums/ Vertical Gardens etc.

The best method to plant this is tying it on a piece of wood / rough stone /tree root with a dark cotton thread or fishing line to attach the plant until the roots holds the material & doesn’t appreciate being planted in the substrate in submersed condition & the rhizome should not buried in the substrate . Low light, low Co2 & very less nutrients are advised.

Plant Difficulty Difficult
Light Requirement Medium
Plant Type Rhizome

Eichornia Crassipies
Eichornia Crassipies

Water Hyacinths is a floating aquatic plant with swollen emerald-green foliage and beautiful lavender blooms - native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. One of the most popular true floating water plants with roots that hang down in the water, which helps to purify and clean the water by take up excess nutrients from the water and also shading the water and reduces algae growth. This is also useful in a biofilter.

Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Bright
Plant Type Floating

Rotala macrandra  'mini butterfly'
Rotala macrandra 'mini butterfly'

Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red coloration.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Stem

Cyeprus helferi
Cyeprus helferi

Requires CO2, adequate fertilization and nutrient rich substrate. Does well in slightly cooler temperature.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Rhizome


Hydrocleys nymphoides
Hydrocleys nymphoides

A floating aquatic plant with eye catching delicate light-yellow flower soft tri-petaled with reddish-brown centers; commonly known as ‘Water poppy’.
Flowers typically last only one day, but a frequent flowering plant in summer. This tropical American plant can compete with native water lilies and its compact nature is attractive for nano cisterns.

A low maintenance, compact floating plant with regular flowering. Best growth & flowering usually occurs in shallow water & under full sunlight.

Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Bright
Plant Type Floating

Microcarpaea minima
Microcarpaea minima

This plant is not very hard to keep, but will do best with CO2 injection. Multiply by lateral shoots.

Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Bright
Plant Type Stem

Hygrophila difformis
Hygrophila difformis

Suitable for aquariums with bright light and will look good when kept in well spaced groups.

Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Ste

Nymphaea capensis 'White Flower' (Green leaves)
Nymphaea capensis 'White Flower' (Green leaves)

A variant of Nymphaea capensis with eye catching white color flowers is a frequent flowering Day blooming water lily native to Africa. N.capensis ‘White flower’ mature leaves are Green, lightly blotched with wavy margins and slightly serrated edges and in some plants leaves with brown variegation are also seen which makes them more astonishing. The plant's bulb can survive relatively for long periods of time. Day blooming lily

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Floating And Pond

Echinodorus Big Bear
Echinodorus Big Bear

A rare type of Echinodorus sp with green leaves and red marking on leaves.

Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Low
Plant Type Rosette
