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Cuphea anagalloidea
Cuphea anagalloidea

Cuphea anagalloidea is a small, demanding stem plant. Its shoots grow around 1.5 to 2 cm wide, measured from leaf tip to leaf tip. The striking red colour on the upper side of the submersed leaves is most intensive under strong light, and it can look like it was brushed on. The red leaves often have small green spots.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Stem

Anubias Barteri 'Coin Leaf' - GroWoW! Series
Anubias Barteri 'Coin Leaf' - GroWoW! Series

This new series is Sreepadma Tissue Culture plants hardened and grown emersed to full size under controlled conditions in our farm.


Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Low
Plant Type Rhizome

Cryptocoryne Axelrodi - GroWoW! Series
Cryptocoryne Axelrodi - GroWoW! Series

This new series is Sreepadma Tissue Culture plants hardened and grown emersed to full size under controlled conditions in our farm.


Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Low
Plant Type Rhizome

Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Tropica' - GroWoW! Series
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Tropica' - GroWoW! Series

This new series is Sreepadma Tissue Culture plants hardened and grown emersed to full size under controlled conditions in our farm.

Floscopa cf. scandens
Floscopa cf. scandens

This beautiful plant will do well in various tank conditions. High light and CO2 dosing promotes faster growth and in dense.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Bright
Plant Type Stem

Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Brown' - GroWoW! Series
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Brown' - GroWoW! Series

This new series is Sreepadma Tissue Culture plants hardened and grown emersed to full size under controlled conditions in our farm.


Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Low
Plant Type Rhizome

Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Pink' - GroWoW! Series.
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Pink' - GroWoW! Series.

This new series is Sreepadma Tissue Culture plants hardened and grown emersed to full size under controlled conditions in our farm.


Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Low
Plant Type Rhizome

Lagenandra ovata
Lagenandra ovata

Grows high and can be used as a background plant. This low demanding plant can be grown emersed and submersed. Ensure rhizome is not fully buried.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Medium
Plant Type Rhizome

Cyeprus helferi
Cyeprus helferi

Requires CO2, adequate fertilization and nutrient rich substrate. Does well in slightly cooler temperature.

Plant Difficulty Medium
Light Requirement Very Bright
Plant Type Rhizome


Marsilea hirsuta
Marsilea hirsuta

This plant can be grown under various conditions but bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrients dosing will make this plant grow dense and as a carpet.  The plant is grown under farm condition and delivered with leaves like a four-leaf clover. After a transitional period it develops different type of leaves, and grow low as a carpet with single leaves

Plant Difficulty Easy
Light Requirement Medium
Plant Type Rhizome
